Leading defence and security communication systems manufacturer invests in state-of-the-art 3D printing technology


A leading defence and security communication systems manufacturer has invested in world-leading Stratasys 3D printing technology to upgrade their product development and production processes.

Spectra Group, a leading global provider of tactical and strategic mission-critical communication systems, has revolutionised its product development process by investing in one of the UK's first Stratasys Origin One 3D printers from SYS Systems – UK Stratasys Platinum Partner.

The Stratasys Origin One 3D printer has enabled the mass production of Spectra's critical communications systems for the high-pressure industries they serve, allowing them to develop, alter and manufacture prototypes and products in-house faster than ever before.

This state-of-the-art 3D printer has given Spectra the capacity to proactively develop and produce critical communications technology that can withstand the even the most strenuous conditions.

Head of Research and Development at Spectra, Simon Perrett said:

"The products we produce haven't just got to look good, they have got to perform really well as well. For the military community, one minute you could be in 50-degree heat and in the next minute you could be in -25-30, so the products have got to withstand those environmental changes, as well as taking a bit of a bashing.

"When I came into the company and looked at how much we were outsourcing, one of the things I looked at was cost for things like tooling, but I also looked at the flexibility that if we have an idea, how we can change it and how to change it quickly."

The Stratasys Origin One is an advanced industrial 3D printer that enables companies like Spectra Group to manufacture high-quality parts without the cost of retooling, whilst maintaining minimal inventory by printing on-demand with exceptional accuracy, consistency and repeatability.

Since investing in a Stratasys Origin One, Spectra Group have revolutionised their in-house product development processes which has enabled them to increase the manufacturing of field-ready end-use products directly from their Herefordshire site.

Simon said:

"Once we're happy with a product, we don't have to go and get any injection mould tooling or anything. We can literally produce a part, with a little bit of post-processing, insert all the parts we need to and then ship it out. That was the revolution we were after and now we have achieved it."

Spectra Group have been producing vital communications systems for 20+ years, and their continuous investment in new technology reflects their focus on innovation and advancement. The Stratasys Origin One 3D printer from SYS Systems has unlocked Spectra's capacity to produce new and groundbreaking products at a record time-to-market.

Simon said:

"We had a concept for a vehicle adapter to put onto our universal power controller and it was produced within five working days. So literally from a concept to a capability, which we are now selling and pushing out of the door, it's unheard of.

"We constantly want to diversify and change things, and the Origin One gives us that capability. We couldn't do without this printer now. And in terms of a partner for us, SYS Systems have been brilliant."

Spectra Group - https://spectra-group.co.uk/

Online written case study – https://www.sys-uk.com/customer-stories/spectra-group/

Carfulan Group website – https://carfulan.com/