Cyber Security Trends In 2022 And How to Adapt Quickly

Business Insights

Cyber security can often seem like a dark art. We are all aware of it but what does it actually mean? Cyber security refers to the processes involved with keeping you and your business safe online.

The last several years have seen a rise in remote working, which means that the general public has had to learn how to use cyber security themselves. You no longer have a team of IT specialists at your beck and call. So, how can you adapt and make sure that you are up to date on all the latest cyber security trends? Read on to find out.

Ransomware Protection

Ransomware has existed ever since the first hard drives became a household appliance. This type of cyber-attack requires the hacker to upload malware onto the victim’s computer that completely shuts them out of their device. The hacker then uses this malicious software to encrypt the user’s data until a ransom is paid.

Statistics have shown that recent circumstances have given rise to the number of ransomware attacks and much of the general public is unaware of this type of cybercrime. The first step in preventing ransomware attacks is learning about it. if more people become knowledgeable about ransomware, then it should lead to a fall in the number of people willing to try it. The second is installing ransomware protection onto your device to deny hackers the ability to encrypt your information.


As a business owner, you have reams of personal data that you want to protect. As the world moves forward in the digital age, clients are becoming more concerned about where their information is stored and how it is protected. How do you assure them that the data they provide you is safe? The answer is ISO 27001 Certification.

ISO 27001 is a management system that proves you have met the criteria to protect the data of your business. You can receive an ISO 27001 certification with an audit and discover how to manage your policy by using a company like High Table. They have all the relevant ISO 27001 templates necessary to get you through this complex process.

ISO 27001 removes the need to explain all of your safety processes to your clients. Just one look at your certification is all it takes to put their minds at ease.

Data Privacy

There are many laws in place now to protect the collection and use of our personal information. As a business there are strict guidelines such as the GDPR but what we can we do to protect ourselves.

The simplest form of protection is to only share the bare minimum required for the product or service you are buying. Where possible to block cookies and trackers and to consider the use of VPN technology that hides your IP address and makes it much more difficult for people to track and target you.

Understanding that no service is truly free, and if it is you and your information are probably the product will allow you to make informed choices about what and how you share your information.

Multi-Tool Authentication

This era of technology is mostly defined by its implementation of portable technology. Laptops provided a way for us to surf the internet with a wireless connection, but that level of innovation has led to the internet begin available on our phones - a device that you use daily.

The fact that your data is so readily available on so many devices might seem like a curse, but it has also provided us with some great data loss prevention strategies. Multi-tool authentication requires the user to confirm their identity across multiple devices. This means that a hacker will need access to your computer login and your mobile data to breach your private data. This two-step process is considered a nuisance to some, but it is one of the strongest tools at your disposal to prevent cybercrime. It also demonstrates how the public has adapted our normal behaviours for our own protection.


Cyber security is always going to be a concern as technology moves forward. Fortunately, we now have the perfect tools to help us adapt enough to combat it. As you can see, a key part of cyber security is staying ahead of the next type of attack. Our society is now in the position to do so with AI and encryption technology. What’s more, you can even demonstrate how secure you are with the right certification.

Education is an important tool when it comes to preventing cyber security, but it looks like you may not even have to worry about this in the future. However, the best way to adapt to cybercrime in 2022 is by exercising caution. Make cybersecurity a part of your daily functions and you can reliably protect yourself.

Author: Stuart Barker | Director at High Table the ISO 27001 Company: