Continuing critical safety training during the pandemic

Business Insights

The pandemic has caused disruption to many businesses and teams, and in particular has impacted on the usual way of training employees within the workplace. However, even though face to face working is not possible for some, it is still vital to deliver critical safety training solutions by adapting to train either virtually or within COVID-19 regulations. Here safety product provider Reece Safety discuss how to continue and stay up to speed with industry training in the new normal.

Although industries have had almost a year of adapting to the new way of working, training in certain sectors and environments can still be challenging. There is a need for more safety regulations and considerations in compliance with COVID-19 before training sessions can even begin. The importance of competency, particularly within the trade sector where there are arguably more hazards, such as heights, live circuits, or heavy machinery, is even more essential with the added risk of Covid-19, so it is important to not cut corners when faced with such limitations to maintain safety for all involved. 

How can safety be ensured through the training course?

As industries are constantly changing, thorough and proper precautions should be taken, and a risk assessment carried out. Desks should be spaced two metres apart to follow distancing guidelines, kitchen facilities should have clear marked routes and restrictions on use, and sanitising stations masks, gloves, and antibacterial sanitising equipment, just to name a few, should all be available. Toilet facilities should also have clear guidelines for sanitisation and use to ensure the minimisation of the risk of the spread of infection. 

For example, live-streamed and socially distanced training is available for courses to teach how to perform lockout tagout procedures and confined space training from Reece Safety. These are still safe to carry out while maintaining a high standard of training within the course either virtually, or employing COVID compliant arrangements. Where exercises are non-practical, virtual training courses should always be considered to keep all parties as safe as possible while causing minimal disruption. However, it can be more difficult in sectors that are high-risk, due to much practical work being required as standard training. Deep cleaning of any contacted RPE and PPE is essential.

How can businesses facilitate training in the pandemic?

Training can be delivered in a variety of ways and continue to be just as effective:

  • Virtual training sessions using the likes of Zoom and Microsoft Teams can be used to reduce the need for face-to-face training sessions and are ideal for understanding theory, and other non-practical safety learning where activities are not involved.
  • Socially distanced training is suitable for essential training sessions and regulated work sites/environments following Covid-19 safety rules. Each member of the session will have their own equipment to ensure that there is no cross contamination.

Andy Graham, Managing Director at Reece Safety and Reece Enterprise explains,

“As a business that provides a wide variety of training sessions for industry professionals, the safety of our staff and learners is paramount, which is why we are hosting much of our training virtually throughout the pandemic to ensure that people can acquire critical safety skills and competence.”

Although the effects of the pandemic will not last forever, it is key for businesses to keep operating as smoothly as possible while adapting procedures to ensure that courses maintain a high standard.