The best techniques to remember a new language, according to experts

Business Insights

The process of learning a brand-new language is never easy. It can be overwhelming to decide where to start and understanding which methods work best for you, some people learn better via audio apps and others prefer sitting in a classroom. Your memory is like a muscle, you need to exercise it on a regular basis to stay strong. The more you work it, the more powerful it then becomes. If you are following the right strategies and you’re putting in a consistent level of hard work, your brain will begin to memorise a new language efficiently for the long term.

To help you on your way to learning and remembering, the experts at Absolute Translations have revealed the best techniques available to help your brain absorb a new diction.

1) Use favourite platforms

A good way to pick up phrases and sentences of a foreign language is by slotting them into your everyday life. Memorise lyrics to original songs in a different language or translated songs that you already know – this will allow your brain to make the connection between common words. You can also watch TV shows you’re familiar with dubbed in a foreign language or watch the original series with subtitles – this way you can make a note of common words at your own pace.

2) Develop mnemonic memory tricks

Mnemonics are creative shortcuts; you can memorise large chunks of information by linking them to our memories. These can be acronyms, short rhymes or mental images that help to remember words.

3) Start with 100 common words

Not all vocabulary is commonly used, you don’t want to find yourself learning about clothing and kitchen utensils but forgetting to learn about what part of the town you live in. Start with 100 of the most common words used and make numerous sentences repeatedly until you get the hang of it. Learn enough grammar to be able to do this enough to hold conversation with people. Focus on high-frequency words to quickly improve your ability to communicate.

4) Flashcards

Flashcards are efficient and allow you to learn in a flexible setting. If you find yourself having a few moments spare, flash cards add up to big language gains. You can go traditional and buy index cards, write down vocabulary words which you want to memorise, and colour code them. If you prefer going digital there are many online programs which allows you to create your own flashcards plus access creations by others. It is possible to find useful words to study without creating the cards yourself.

5) Personalise

Your brain is more likely to recall words if they are linked to familiar faces or items - if you’re creating a flashcard for ‘brother’, the chances of you remembering the word increases if you use a picture of your own brother! Try customising your flashcards with fun images, places you like and food you love! This unique technique is effective in learning the 100 common words.

6) Repeat and apply

When you’re learning a list of words, recalling them aimlessly isn’t going to help forever. Your brain is more likely to remember things once they’ve been applied to real life conversations. Applying what you’ve learnt by speaking to a teacher or friend is crucial as it continues the learning. A good way is to practise writing the same word in at least ten different sentences as soon as you’ve mastered it. Repeating it in context will help you to make sense of what you’ve learnt moments ago.

7) Interactive and fun

It is important to make the learning experience fun. Don’t just read the words from your cards, hear how to pronounce them, and say them out loud yourself! The more you take the words for what they are, the easier they will become to remember. Make your lessons interactive by incorporating all your senses, visit a farm whilst learning about what the different animals are called!

Starting from one founding translator working across four languages in 2000, Absolute Translations has grown into a globally respected company providing expert translation in over 200 tongues. The company was the first ISO 17100:2015 certificate holder in the UK, guaranteeing high quality translation services. In 2014, the company was one of 25 to take part in the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses venture. For more information, please visit